BIBLENOTE BOOKS Ezekiel Chapter 33 Prev Verse Next Verse

Ezekiel    Chapter 33   ( 48 Chapters )    Verse 32   ( 33 Verses )    Ezéchiel    ¿¡Á¦Å°¿¤    old

And thou art to them as a musical song which is sung with a sweet and agreeable voice: and they hear thy words, and do them not.
King James
And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not.
Louis Second
Voici, tu es pour eux comme un chanteur agréable, possédant une belle voix, et habile dans la musique. Ils écoutent tes paroles, mais ils ne les mettent point en pratique
Martin Luther
Und siehe, du mußt ihr Liedlein sein, das sie gerne singen und spielen werden. Also werden sie deine Worte hören und nichts danach tun.
et es eis quasi carmen musicum quod suavi dulcique sono canitur et audient verba tua et non facient ea

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

quasi : as if, just as, just as if, as it were /a sort of.
carmen : song, poem /prediction, incantation /religious formula.
quod : (neut. sing. acc.) (the sea), WHICH you cannot drink dry.
quod : (+ comparative) the x the better (quod celior = the faster the.
quod : (beginning sentence) and, but, now.
quod : (neut. sing. nom.) (the war), WHICH killed so many.
quod : (with time) since, as far as, to the extent that.
quod : because, whereas, the point that, the fact that.
sono : to make a noise /sing /celebrate/ (of words) to mean.
sono : to cry out, utter.
non : not.