BIBLENOTE BOOKS 1 Kings Chapter 11 Prev Verse Next Verse

1 Kings    Chapter 11   ( 22 Chapters )    Verse 14   ( 43 Verses )    1 Rois    ¿­¿Õ±âß¾    old

And the Lord raised up an adversary to Solomon, Adad, the Edomite, of the king's seed, in Edom.
King James
And the LORD stirred up an adversary unto Solomon, Hadad the Edomite: he was of the king's seed in Edom.
Louis Second
L'Éternel suscita un ennemi à Salomon: Hadad, l'Édomite, de la race royale d'Édom
Martin Luther
Und der HErr erweckte Salomo einen Widersacher, Hadad, den Edomiter, von königlichem Samen, welcher war in Edom.
suscitavit autem Dominus adversarium Salomoni Adad Idumeum de semine regio qui erat in Edom

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

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