BIBLENOTE BOOKS 1 Kings Chapter 5 Prev Verse Next Verse

1 Kings    Chapter 5   ( 22 Chapters )    Verse 7   ( 18 Verses )    1 Rois    ¿­¿Õ±âß¾    old

Now when Hiram had heard the words of Solomon, he rejoiced exceedingly, and said: Blessed be the Lord God this day, who hath given to David a very wise son over this numerous people.
King James
And it came to pass, when Hiram heard the words of Solomon, that he rejoiced greatly, and said, Blessed be the LORD this day, which hath given unto David a wise son over this great people.
Louis Second
Lorsqu'il entendit les paroles de Salomon, Hiram eut une grande joie, et il dit: Béni soit aujourd'hui l'Éternel, qui a donné à David un fils sage pour chef de ce grand peuple
Martin Luther
Da Hiram aber hörete die Worte Salomos, freuete er sich hoch und sprach: Gelobet sei der HErr heute, der David einen weisen Sohn gegeben hat über dies große Volk!
cum ergo audisset Hiram verba Salomonis laetatus est valde et ait benedictus Dominus hodie qui dedit David filium sapientissimum super populum hunc plurimum

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

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