BIBLENOTE BOOKS 1 Kings Chapter 21 Prev Verse Next Verse

1 Kings    Chapter 21   ( 22 Chapters )    Verse 10   ( 29 Verses )    1 Rois    ¿­¿Õ±âß¾    old

And suborn two men, sons of Belial, against him, and let them bear false witness; that he hath blasphemed God and the king: and then carry him out, and stone him, and so let him die.
King James
And set two men, sons of Belial, before him, to bear witness against him, saying, Thou didst blaspheme God and the king. And then carry him out, and stone him, that he may die.
Louis Second
et mettez en face de lui deux méchants hommes qui déposeront ainsi contre lui: Tu as maudit Dieu et le roi! Puis menez-le dehors, lapidez-le, et qu'il meure
Martin Luther
Und stellet zween loser Buben vor ihn, die da zeugen und sprechen: Du hast GOtt und dem Könige gesegnet. Und führet ihn hinaus und steiniget ihn, daß er sterbe.
et submittite duos viros filios Belial contra eum et falsum testimonium dicant benedixit Deum et regem et educite eum et lapidate sicque moriatur

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

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