BIBLENOTE BOOKS 2 Kings Chapter 3 Prev Verse Next Verse

2 Kings    Chapter 3   ( 25 Chapters )    Verse 21   ( 27 Verses )    2 Rois    ¿­¿Õ±âù»    old

And all the Moabites hearing that the kings were come up to fight against them, gathered together all that were girded with a belt upon them, and stood in the borders.
King James
And when all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight against them, they gathered all that were able to put on armour, and upward, and stood in the border.
Louis Second
Cependant, tous les Moabites ayant appris que les rois montaient pour les attaquer, on convoqua tous ceux en âge de porter les armes et même au-dessus, et ils se tinrent sur la frontière
Martin Luther
Da aber alle Moabiter höreten, daß die Könige heraufzogen, wider sie zu streiten, beriefen sie alle, die zur Rüstung alt genug und drüber waren, und traten an die Grenze.
universi autem Moabitae audientes quod ascendissent reges ut pugnarent adversum eos convocaverunt omnes qui accincti erant balteo desuper et steterunt in terminis

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

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