BIBLENOTE BOOKS 2 Samuel Chapter 18 Prev Verse Next Verse

2 Samuel    Chapter 18   ( 24 Chapters )    Verse 25   ( 33 Verses )    2 Samuel    »ç¹«¿¤ù»    old

And crying out he told the king: and the king said: If he be alone, there are good tidings in his mouth. And as he was coming apace, and drawing nearer,
King James
And the watchman cried, and told the king. And the king said, If he be alone, there is tidings in his mouth. And he came apace, and drew near.
Louis Second
La sentinelle cria, et avertit le roi. Le roi dit: S'il est seul, il apporte des nouvelles. Et cet homme arrivait toujours plus près
Martin Luther
Und rief und sagte es dem Könige an. Der König aber sprach: Ist er alleine, so ist eine gute Botschaft in seinem Munde. Und da derselbige ging und herzukam,
et exclamans indicavit regi dixitque rex si solus est bonus est nuntius in ore eius properante autem illo et accedente propius

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

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