BIBLENOTE BOOKS 2 Timothy Chapter 3 Prev Verse Next Verse

2 Timothy    Chapter 3   ( 4 Chapters )    Verse 3   ( 17 Verses )    2 Timothée    µð¸ðÅ׿À Èļ­    new

Without affection, without peace, slanderers, incontinent, unmerciful, without kindness,
King James
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Louis Second
insensibles, déloyaux, calomniateurs, intempérants, cruels, ennemis des gens de bien
Martin Luther
störrig, unversöhnlich, Schänder, unkeusch, wild, ungütig,
sine affectione sine pace criminatores incontinentes inmites sine benignitate

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

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