BIBLENOTE BOOKS Acts Chapter 10 Prev Verse Next Verse

Acts    Chapter 10   ( 28 Chapters )    Verse 18   ( 48 Verses )    Actes    »çµµÇàÀü    new

And when they had called, they asked if Simon, who is surnamed Peter, were lodged there.
King James
And called, and asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there.
Louis Second
et demandèrent à haute voix si c'était là que logeait Simon, surnommé Pierre
Martin Luther
riefen und forscheten, ob Simon mit dem Zunamen Petrus allda zur Herberge wäre.
et cum vocassent interrogabant si Simon qui cognominatur Petrus illic haberet hospitium

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

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