BIBLENOTE BOOKS Daniel Chapter 3 Prev Verse Next Verse

Daniel    Chapter 3   ( 12 Chapters )    Verse 17   ( 23 Verses )    Daniel    ´Ù´Ï¿¤    old

For behold our God, whom we worship, is able to save us from the furnace of burning fire, and to deliver us out of thy hands, O king.
King James
If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.
Louis Second
Voici, notre Dieu que nous servons peut nous délivrer de la fournaise ardente, et il nous délivrera de ta main, ô roi
Martin Luther
Siehe, unser GOtt, den wir ehren, kann uns wohl erretten aus dem glühenden Ofen, dazu auch von deiner Hand erretten.
ecce enim Deus noster quem colimus potest eripere nos de camino ignis ardentis et de manibus tuis rex liberare

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

ecce : Lo! Behold! See!.
enim : in fact, truly, indeed.
enim : for, in fact, truly (may often be omitted).
deus : god.
quem : (masc. sing. acc.) (the man), WHOM the king struck.
nos : we /WE live and die by that creed.
nos : us /they tried to tell US we're too young.
de : (prep. + abl.) down from, from, concerning, about.
ignis : fire.