BIBLENOTE BOOKS Daniel Chapter 3 Prev Verse Next Verse

Daniel    Chapter 3   ( 12 Chapters )    Verse 3   ( 23 Verses )    Daniel    ´Ù´Ï¿¤    old

Then the nobles, the magistrates, and the judges, the captains, and rulers, and the great men that were placed in authority, and all the princes of the provinces, were gathered together to come to the dedication of the statue, which king Nabuchodonosor had set up. And they stood before the statue which king Nabuchodonosor had set up.
King James
Then the princes, the governors, and captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, were gathered together unto the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up; and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
Louis Second
Alors les satrapes, les intendants et les gouverneurs, les grands juges, les trésoriers, les jurisconsultes, les juges, et tous les magistrats des provinces, s'assemblèrent pour la dédicace de la statue qu'avait élevée le roi Nebucadnetsar. Ils se placèrent devant la statue qu'avait élevée Nebucadnetsar
Martin Luther
Da kamen zusammen die Fürsten, Herren, Landpfleger, Richter, Vögte, Räte, Amtleute und alle Gewaltigen im Lande, das Bild zu weihen, das der König Nebukadnezar hatte setzen lassen. Und sie mußten vor das Bild treten, das Nebukadnezar hatte setzen lassen.
tunc congregati sunt satrapae magistratus et iudices duces et tyranni et optimates qui erant in potestatibus constituti et universi principes regionum ut convenirent ad dedicationem statuae quam erexerat Nabuchodonosor rex stabant autem in conspectu statuae quam posuerat Nabuchodonosor

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

tunc : then, at that time, next, and then.
optimates : the aristocratic party.
optimates : magnates, great lords, the best people, the upper class.
qui : quae : que : quod : which, what, that.
qui : (masc. pl. nom.) Let THOSE (men) WHO have eyes to see..
qui : (masc. neut. nom.) (the prince) WHO loved a milkmaid.
qui : (question) how? in what way? / somehow / wherewith.
in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
in : (+ abl.) in.
universi : all together.
ut : (+ subj.) (result) so that, that.
ut : (+ subj.) (purpose) in order that, to, that.
ut : (+ indic.) when, as.
ut : (+ subj.) (command) to, that.
quam : (fem. sing. acc.) (the church), WHICH the Lord loved.
quam : (adv. and conj.) how, than, as .. as possible.
autem : but, on the other hand, however, moreover, also.