BIBLENOTE BOOKS Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 Prev Verse Next Verse

Ecclesiastes    Chapter 5   ( 12 Chapters )    Verse 4   ( 19 Verses )    Ecclésiaste    Àüµµ¼­    old

If thou hast vowed any thing to God, defer not to pay it: for an unfaithful and foolish promise displeaseth him: but whatsoever thou hast vowed, pay it.
King James
When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed.
Louis Second
(5:3) Lorsque tu as fait un voeu à Dieu, ne tarde pas à l'accomplir, car il n'aime pas les insensés: accomplis le voeu que tu as fait
Martin Luther
Wenn du GOtt ein Gelübde tust, so verzeuch's nicht zu halten; denn er hat kein Gefallen an den Narren. Was du gelobest, das halte!
multoque melius est non vovere quam post votum promissa non conplere

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

non : not.
quam : (fem. sing. acc.) (the church), WHICH the Lord loved.
quam : (adv. and conj.) how, than, as .. as possible.
post : (+ acc.) after, behind.
votum : prayer, wish, desire /vow, promise to God.