BIBLENOTE BOOKS Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 Prev Verse Next Verse

Ecclesiastes    Chapter 7   ( 12 Chapters )    Verse 29   ( 30 Verses )    Ecclésiaste    Àüµµ¼­    old

Only this I have found, that God made man right, and he hath entangled himself with an infinity of questions. Who is as the wise man? and who hath known the resolution of the word?
King James
Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.
Louis Second
Seulement, voici ce que j'ai trouvé, c'est que Dieu a fait les hommes droits; mais ils ont cherché beaucoup de détours
Martin Luther
Alleine schaue das, ich habe funden, daß GOtt den Menschen hat aufrichtig gemacht; aber sie suchen viel Künste.
quam adhuc quaerit anima mea et non inveni virum de mille unum repperi mulierem ex omnibus non inveni

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

quam : (fem. sing. acc.) (the church), WHICH the Lord loved.
quam : (adv. and conj.) how, than, as .. as possible.
adhuc : till then, till now, still, even now, besides, also, yet.
anima : life, soul.
non : not.
de : (prep. + abl.) down from, from, concerning, about.
mille : a thousand.
ex : (= e ) (prep. + abl.) out of, from within, from / on account of.