BIBLENOTE BOOKS Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 Prev Verse Next Verse

Ecclesiastes    Chapter 7   ( 12 Chapters )    Verse 3   ( 30 Verses )    Ecclésiaste    Àüµµ¼­    old

Anger is better than laughter: because by the sadness of the countenance the mind of the offender is corrected.
King James
Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.
Louis Second
Mieux vaut le chagrin que le rire; car avec un visage triste le coeur peut être content
Martin Luther
Es ist Trauern besser denn Lachen; denn durch Trauern wird das Herz gebessert.
melius est ire ad domum luctus quam ad domum convivii in illa enim finis cunctorum admonetur hominum et vivens cogitat quid futurum sit

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

luctus : lamentation, mourning, grief.
quam : (fem. sing. acc.) (the church), WHICH the Lord loved.
quam : (adv. and conj.) how, than, as .. as possible.
in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
in : (+ abl.) in.
illa : (neut. plur. acc.) Deborah always won THESE (wars).
illa : (neut. plur. nom.) THOSE (arms) belong to the victor.
illa : (fem. sing. abl.) He who lives BY THAT (the sword)..
illa : (fem. sing. nom.) THAT (sword) is more expensive.
enim : in fact, truly, indeed.
enim : for, in fact, truly (may often be omitted).
finis : end, limit, boundary, purpose.
quid : (question) what (thing)?.
quid : (+ genitive) how much? how many?.