BIBLENOTE BOOKS Ezekiel Chapter 41 Prev Verse Next Verse

Ezekiel    Chapter 41   ( 48 Chapters )    Verse 24   ( 26 Verses )    Ezéchiel    ¿¡Á¦Å°¿¤    old

And in the two doors on both sides were two little doors, which were folded within each other: for there were two wickets on both sides of the doors.
King James
And the doors had two leaves apiece, two turning leaves; two leaves for the one door, and two leaves for the other door.
Louis Second
Il y avait aux portes deux battants, qui tous deux tournaient sur les portes, deux battants pour une porte et deux pour l'autre
Martin Luther
hatte zwei Blätter, die man auf und zu tat.
et in duobus ostiis ex utraque parte bina erant ostiola quae in se invicem plicabantur bina enim ostia erant ex utraque parte ostiorum

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

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