BIBLENOTE BOOKS Haggai Chapter 1 Prev Verse Next Verse

Haggai    Chapter 1   ( 2 Chapters )    Verse 2   ( 14 Verses )    Aggée    Çϱú    old

Thus saith the Lord of hosts, saying: This people saith: The time is not yet come for building the house of the Lord.
King James
Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, This people say, The time is not come, the time that the LORD'S house should be built.
Louis Second
Ainsi parle l'Éternel des armées: Ce peuple dit: Le temps n'est pas venu, le temps de rebâtir la maison de l'Éternel
Martin Luther
So spricht der HErr Zebaoth: Dies Volk spricht: Die Zeit ist noch nicht da, daß man des HErrn Haus baue.
haec ait Dominus exercituum dicens populus iste dicit nondum venit tempus domus Domini aedificandae

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

ait : he says.
dominus : lord, master.
populus : people, the people, nation, crowd, multitude, host.
populus : popular.
populus : populace, laity.
nondum : not yet.
domus : house, home, residence.
domus : household, house, abode.