BIBLENOTE BOOKS Haggai Chapter 2 Prev Verse Next Verse

Haggai    Chapter 2   ( 2 Chapters )    Verse 22   ( 24 Verses )    Aggée    Çϱú    old

And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and will destroy the strength of the kingdom of the Gentiles: and I will overthrow the chariot, and him that rideth therein: and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.
King James
And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.
Louis Second
Je renverserai le trône des royaumes, Je détruirai la force des royaumes des nations, Je renverserai les chars et ceux qui les montent; Les chevaux et leurs cavaliers seront abattus, L'un par l'épée de l'autre
Martin Luther
und will die Stühle der Königreiche umkehren und die mächtigen Königreiche der Heiden vertilgen und will beide, Wagen mit ihren Reitern, umkehren, daß beide, Roß und Mann, herunterfallen sollen, ein jeglicher durch des andern Schwert.
loquere ad Zorobabel ducem Iuda dicens ego movebo caelum pariter et terram

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

ego : I, self.
caelum : sky, heaven.
pariter : alike, at the same time, together.
pariter : likewise, equally, in like manner, as well.