BIBLENOTE BOOKS Haggai Chapter 2 Prev Verse Next Verse

Haggai    Chapter 2   ( 2 Chapters )    Verse 23   ( 24 Verses )    Aggée    Çϱú    old

In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, I will take thee, O Zorobabel the son of Salathiel, my servant, saith the Lord, and will make thee as a signet, for I have chosen thee, saith the Lord of hosts.
King James
In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts.
Louis Second
En ce jour-là, dit l'Éternel des armées, Je te prendrai, Zorobabel, fils de Schealthiel, Mon serviteur, dit l'Éternel, Et je te garderai comme un sceau; Car je t'ai choisi, dit l'Éternel des armées
Martin Luther
Zur selbigen Zeit, spricht der HErr Zebaoth, will ich dich, Serubabel, du Sohn Sealthiels, meinen Knecht, nehmen, spricht der HErr, und will dich wie einen Petschaftsring halten; denn ich habe dich erwählet, spricht der HErr Zebaoth.
et subvertam solium regnorum et conteram fortitudinem regni gentium et subvertam quadrigam et ascensorem eius et descendent equi et ascensores eorum vir in gladio fratris sui

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

solium : chair of state, throne / bath-tub.
vir : man, hero, man of courage.
in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
in : (+ abl.) in.
sui : himself, herself, itself.