BIBLENOTE BOOKS Hebrews Chapter 9 Prev Verse Next Verse

Hebrews    Chapter 9   ( 13 Chapters )    Verse 9   ( 28 Verses )    Hébreux    È÷ºê¸®¼­    new

Which is a parable of the time present: according to which gifts and sacrifices are offered, which cannot, as to the conscience, make him perfect that serveth, only in meats and in drinks,
King James
Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience;
Louis Second
C'est une figure pour le temps actuel, où l'on présente des offrandes et des sacrifices qui ne peuvent rendre parfait sous le rapport de la conscience celui qui rend ce culte
Martin Luther
welche mußte zu derselbigen Zeit ein Vorbild sein, in welcher Gaben und Opfer geopfert wurden, und konnten nicht vollkommen machen nach dem Gewissen den, der da Gottesdienst tut
quae parabola est temporis instantis iuxta quam munera et hostiae offeruntur quae non possunt iuxta conscientiam perfectum facere servientem

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

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