BIBLENOTE BOOKS Hosea Chapter 8 Prev Verse Next Verse

Hosea    Chapter 8   ( 14 Chapters )    Verse 7   ( 13 Verses )    Osée    È£¼¼¾Æ    old

For they shall sow wind, and reap a whirlwind, there is no standing stalk in it, the bud shall yield no meal; and if it should yield, strangers shall eat it.
King James
For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk; the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.
Louis Second
Puisqu'ils ont semé du vent, ils moissonneront la tempête; Ils n'auront pas un épi de blé; Ce qui poussera ne donnera point de farine, Et s'il y en avait, des étrangers la dévoreraient
Martin Luther
Denn sie säen Wind und werden Ungewitter einernten; ihre Saat soll nicht aufkommen und ihr Gewächs kein Mehl geben; und ob es geben würde, sollen's doch Fremde fressen.
quia ventum seminabunt et turbinem metent culmus stans non est in eis germen non faciet farinam quod si et fecerit alieni comedent eam

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

quia : because.
non : not.
in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
in : (+ abl.) in.
germen : offshoot, germ.
quod : (neut. sing. acc.) (the sea), WHICH you cannot drink dry.
quod : (+ comparative) the x the better (quod celior = the faster the.
quod : (beginning sentence) and, but, now.
quod : (neut. sing. nom.) (the war), WHICH killed so many.
quod : (with time) since, as far as, to the extent that.
quod : because, whereas, the point that, the fact that.
si : if.