BIBLENOTE BOOKS Numbers Chapter 33 Prev Verse Next Verse

Numbers    Chapter 33   ( 36 Chapters )    Verse 14   ( 56 Verses )    Nombres    ¹Î¼ö±â    old

And departing from Alus, they pitched their tents in Raphidim, where the people wanted water to drink.
King James
And they removed from Alush, and encamped at Rephidim, where was no water for the people to drink.
Louis Second
Ils partirent d'Alusch, et campèrent à Rephidim, où le peuple ne trouva point d'eau à boire
Martin Luther
Von Alus zogen sie aus und lagerten sich in Raphidim; daselbst hatte das Volk kein Wasser zu trinken.
egressi de Alus Raphidim fixere tentoria ubi aqua populo defuit ad bibendum

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

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