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Numbers    Chapter 13   ( 36 Chapters )    Verse 24   ( 34 Verses )    Nombres    ¹Î¼ö±â    old

Which was called Nehelescol, that is to say, the torrent of the cluster of grapes, because from thence the children of Israel had carried a cluster of grapes.
King James
The place was called the brook Eshcol, because of the cluster of grapes which the children of Israel cut down from thence.
Louis Second
On donna à ce lieu le nom de vallée d'Eschcol, à cause de la grappe que les enfants d'Israël y coupèrent
Martin Luther
Der Ort heißet Bach Eskol um der Traube willen, die die Kinder Israel daselbst abschnitten.
pergentesque usque ad torrentem Botri absciderunt palmitem cum uva sua quem portaverunt in vecte duo viri de malis quoque granatis et de ficis loci illius tulerunt

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

usque : all the way, up (to), even (to).
cum : (with indicative) when.
cum : (prep + abl.) with.
cum : (with subjunctive) when, as, while, since, although.
quem : (masc. sing. acc.) (the man), WHOM the king struck.
in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
in : (+ abl.) in.
duo : two.
de : (prep. + abl.) down from, from, concerning, about.
quoque : also, too.
loci : (pl.) passages in literary works.
illius : (neut. sing. gen.) She paid half OF THAT (the cost).
illius : (masc. fem. neut. gen. sing.) Go ahead, eat some OF THAT.
illius : (fem. sing. gen.) They are fond OF THAT (change).