BIBLENOTE BOOKS Numbers Chapter 13 Prev Verse Next Verse

Numbers    Chapter 13   ( 36 Chapters )    Verse 25   ( 34 Verses )    Nombres    ¹Î¼ö±â    old

And they that went to spy out the land returned after forty days, having gone round all the country,
King James
And they returned from searching of the land after forty days.
Louis Second
Ils furent de retour de l'exploration du pays au bout de quarante jours
Martin Luther
Und sie kehreten um, da sie das Land erkundet hatten, nach vierzig Tagen,
qui appellatus est Neelescol id est torrens Botri eo quod botrum inde portassent filii Israhel

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

qui : quae : que : quod : which, what, that.
qui : (masc. pl. nom.) Let THOSE (men) WHO have eyes to see..
qui : (masc. neut. nom.) (the prince) WHO loved a milkmaid.
qui : (question) how? in what way? / somehow / wherewith.
eo : to advance, march on, go, leave.
quod : (neut. sing. acc.) (the sea), WHICH you cannot drink dry.
quod : (+ comparative) the x the better (quod celior = the faster the.
quod : (beginning sentence) and, but, now.
quod : (neut. sing. nom.) (the war), WHICH killed so many.
quod : (with time) since, as far as, to the extent that.
quod : because, whereas, the point that, the fact that.
inde : thence, from there, for that reason, thereafter, then.