BIBLENOTE BOOKS Numbers Chapter 13 Prev Verse Next Verse

Numbers    Chapter 13   ( 36 Chapters )    Verse 30   ( 34 Verses )    Nombres    ¹Î¼ö±â    old

In the mean time Caleb, to still the murmuring of the people that rose against Moses, said: Let us go up and possess the land, for we shall be able to conquer it.
King James
And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.
Louis Second
Caleb fit taire le peuple, qui murmurait contre Moïse. Il dit: Montons, emparons-nous du pays, nous y serons vainqueurs
Martin Luther
Kaleb aber stillete das Volk gegen Mose und sprach: Laßt uns hinaufziehen und das Land einnehmen; denn wir mögen es überwältigen.
Amalech habitat in meridie Hettheus et Iebuseus et Amorreus in montanis Chananeus vero moratur iuxta mare et circa fluenta Iordanis

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
in : (+ abl.) in.
vero : in truth, indeed, to be sure /however.
iuxta : just short of.
iuxta : close by, near/ in like manner, equally.
iuxta : (+ acc.) close to, near to/ (time) just before.