BIBLENOTE BOOKS Numbers Chapter 30 Prev Verse Next Verse

Numbers    Chapter 30   ( 36 Chapters )    Verse 12   ( 17 Verses )    Nombres    ¹Î¼ö±â    old

But if forthwith he gainsay it, she shall not be bound by the promise: because her husband gainsaid it, and the Lord will be merciful to her.
King James
But if her husband hath utterly made them void on the day he heard them; then whatsoever proceeded out of her lips concerning her vows, or concerning the bond of her soul, shall not stand: her husband hath made them void; and the LORD shall forgive her.
Louis Second
(30:13) mais si son mari les annule le jour où il en a connaissance, tout voeu et tout engagement sortis de ses lèvres n'auront aucune valeur, son mari les a annulés; et l'Éternel lui pardonnera
Martin Luther
Macht's aber der Hausherr des Tages los, wenn er's höret, so gilt's nicht, was aus seinen Lippen gegangen ist, das es gelobet oder sich verbunden hat über seine Seele; denn der Hausherr hat's los gemacht; und der HErr wird ihm gnädig sein.
si audierit vir et tacuerit nec contradixerit sponsioni

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

si : if.
vir : man, hero, man of courage.
nec : conj, and not.