BIBLENOTE BOOKS Numbers Chapter 30 Prev Verse Next Verse

Numbers    Chapter 30   ( 36 Chapters )    Verse 13   ( 17 Verses )    Nombres    ¹Î¼ö±â    old

If she vow and bind herself by oath, to afflict her soul by fasting, or abstinence from other things, it shall depend on the will of her husband, whether she shall do it, or not do it.
King James
Every vow, and every binding oath to afflict the soul, her husband may establish it, or her husband may make it void.
Louis Second
(30:14) Son mari peut ratifier et son mari peut annuler tout voeu, tout serment par lequel elle s'engage à mortifier sa personne
Martin Luther
Und alle Gelübde und Eide, zu verbinden, den Leib zu kasteien, mag der Hausherr kräftigen oder schwächen, also:
sin autem extemplo contradixerit non tenebitur promissionis rea quia maritus contradixit et Dominus ei propitius erit

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

autem : but, on the other hand, however, moreover, also.
extemplo : to at once.
non : not.
quia : because.
maritus : husband.
dominus : lord, master.
propitius : favorable, gracious.
propitius : gracious.