BIBLENOTE BOOKS Numbers Chapter 30 Prev Verse Next Verse

Numbers    Chapter 30   ( 36 Chapters )    Verse 15   ( 17 Verses )    Nombres    ¹Î¼ö±â    old

But if he gainsay it after that he knew it, he shall bear her iniquity.
King James
But if he shall any ways make them void after that he hath heard them; then he shall bear her iniquity.
Louis Second
(30:16) Mais s'il les annule après le jour où il en a eu connaissance, il sera coupable du péché de sa femme
Martin Luther
Wird er's aber schwächen, nachdem er's gehöret hat, so soll er die Missetat tragen.
quod si audiens vir tacuerit et in alteram diem distulerit sententiam quicquid voverat atque promiserat reddet quia statim ut audivit tacuit

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

quod : (neut. sing. acc.) (the sea), WHICH you cannot drink dry.
quod : (+ comparative) the x the better (quod celior = the faster the.
quod : (beginning sentence) and, but, now.
quod : (neut. sing. nom.) (the war), WHICH killed so many.
quod : (with time) since, as far as, to the extent that.
quod : because, whereas, the point that, the fact that.
si : if.
vir : man, hero, man of courage.
in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
in : (+ abl.) in.
quicquid : whoever, whatever, whatsoever, anything at all.
quia : because.
statim : instantly, immediately.
statim : firmly, steadfastly, on the spot, at once.
ut : (+ subj.) (result) so that, that.
ut : (+ subj.) (purpose) in order that, to, that.
ut : (+ indic.) when, as.
ut : (+ subj.) (command) to, that.