BIBLENOTE BOOKS Numbers Chapter 30 Prev Verse Next Verse

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King James
Louis Second
Martin Luther
istae sunt leges quas constituit Dominus Mosi inter virum et uxorem inter patrem et filiam quae in puellari adhuc aetate est vel quae manet in parentis domo

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

quas : (fem. pl. acc.) the fates, against whom he struggled.
dominus : lord, master.
inter : approximately, about, around, roughly.
inter : (+ acc.) between, among.
quae : (neut. plur. nom.) WHAT cannot be avoided must be endured.
quae : (neut. pl. acc.) those things WHICH we must have.
quae : (fem. pl. nom.) Let THOSE (women) WHO have ears to hear .
in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
in : (+ abl.) in.
adhuc : till then, till now, still, even now, besides, also, yet.
vel : vel .. vel either .. or.
vel : or, (adv.) even, actually, for example.