BIBLENOTE BOOKS Psalms Chapter 68 Prev Verse Next Verse

Psalms    Chapter 68   ( 150 Chapters )    Verse 7   ( 35 Verses )    Psaumes    ½ÃÆí    old

O God, when thou didst go forth in the sight of thy people, when thou didst pass through the desert:
King James
O God, when thou wentest forth before thy people, when thou didst march through the wilderness; Selah:
Louis Second
(68:8) O Dieu! quand tu sortis à la tête de ton peuple, Quand tu marchais dans le désert, -Pause
Martin Luther
GOtt, da du vor deinem Volk herzogest, da du einhergingest in der Wüste, Sela,
non confundantur in me qui expectant te Domine Deus exercituum non confundantur in me qui quaerunt te Deus Israhel

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

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