BIBLENOTE BOOKS Psalms Chapter 118 Prev Verse Next Verse

Psalms    Chapter 118   ( 150 Chapters )    Verse 8   ( 176 Verses )    Psaumes    ½ÃÆí    old

It is good to confide in the Lord, rather than to have confidence in man.
King James
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
Louis Second
Mieux vaut chercher un refuge en l'Éternel Que de se confier à l'homme
Martin Luther
Es ist gut auf den HErrn vertrauen und sich nicht verlassen auf Menschen.
praecepta tua custodiam ne derelinquas me nimis

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

ne : (conj.) that .. not, in order that .. not, in order not to.
me : (abl.) me /you'll do fine with ME, baby.
me : (acc.) me /that old black magic has ME in its spell.
nimis : adv. too much, overmuch, excessively.
nimis : (adv.) too much, overmuch, excessively.