BIBLENOTE BOOKS Psalms Chapter 36 Prev Verse Next Verse

Psalms    Chapter 36   ( 150 Chapters )    Verse 5   ( 40 Verses )    Psaumes    ½ÃÆí    old

O Lord, thy mercy is in heaven, and thy truth reacheth even to the clouds.
King James
Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds.
Louis Second
(36:6) Éternel! ta bonté atteint jusqu'aux cieux, Ta fidélité jusqu'aux nues
Martin Luther
HErr, deine Güte reicht, soweit der Himmel ist, und deine Wahrheit, soweit die Wolken gehen.
gimel volve super Dominum viam tuam et confide in eo et ipse faciet

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

super : (prep.) (+ abl.) over, above /concerning, about, besides.
super : (adv.) over, above, besides, beyond, moreover, remaining.
in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
in : (+ abl.) in.
eo : to advance, march on, go, leave.