BIBLENOTE BOOKS Psalms Chapter 85 Prev Verse Next Verse

Psalms    Chapter 85   ( 150 Chapters )    Verse 8   ( 17 Verses )    Psaumes    ½ÃÆí    old

I will hear what the Lord God will speak in me: for he will speak peace unto his people: And unto his saints: and unto them that are converted to the heart.
King James
I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly.
Louis Second
(85:9) J'écouterai ce que dit Dieu, l'Éternel; Car il parle de paix à son peuple et à ses fidèles, Pourvu qu'ils ne retombent pas dans la folie
Martin Luther
Ach, daß ich hören sollte, das GOtt der HErr redet, daß er Frieden zusagte seinem Volk und seinen Heiligen, auf daß sie nicht auf eine Torheit geraten!
non est similis tui in diis Domine non est iuxta opera tua

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

non : not.
similis : like, similar, resembling.
similis : similar, like, resembling.
tui : your, yours /I read YOUR letter that said, dear john.
in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
in : (+ abl.) in.
iuxta : just short of.
iuxta : close by, near/ in like manner, equally.
iuxta : (+ acc.) close to, near to/ (time) just before.
opera : work, pains, labor. * operam do to lavish care upon.